Friday, February 27, 2009

Liberals Mincing Words, Again

If you feel like you are losing your mind because the liberals said they were going to stop the earmarks, that there would be no earmarks, yet you find there is all kinds of pork in the stimulus and the omnibus bills, then you are not alone. You didn't imagine it, they said it but they are redefining their terms as they go.

A stimulus is not a stimulus, it's a way to implement programs you otherwise would not get passed. An earmark is no longer an earmark because the representatives are having their names expunged from the record so they can't be blamed. So, that's not an earmark, it's just pork. And they claim to have made progress, to be cutting earmarks, the only difference is they are changing the terms. The spending is the same.

Now, did you think when they finally came out with the reality that the planet does not have a fever (like Al Gore wants us to believe) that would mean they'd stop the nonsense of driving up the costs of gasoline, corn, electricity, natural gas, etc. with their regulations designed to get us all into using alternative energy sources? Well, no they just started using the term "Climate Change". Yes the climate is changing, depending on where you are it will affect you in different ways. It's similar to the climate change earth experienced during Ancient Egypt. But the liberals in Washington are heavily invested in green energy, they aren't going to put this thing to bed. For one thing they can make a lot of money and for another thing it is an expansion of government which our messiah must have.

I don't know how you can call the stimulus bill a stimulus. This is nothing but expansion of government. It's so questionable that even some democrat governors are considering not taking all of it because of the strings that are attached aren't necessarily good for the states. For example, we may not be able to afford these programs after the stimulus is gone, but that is what it calls for. Now if the voters of that particular state weren't for paying for these programs (increasing their taxes) then why should our governors force it on all of us. I can tell you that I am going to be watching how that money is spent and what programs are put in place because of it and I am watching how all the votes go and how all the spending in Washington goes and I will not let a voter in my reach forget about it. I am sick of the waste in Washington. I am sick of the power grabbing that has been going on for too long and the failure of the way the representatives have been handling things is illustrated by our newly elected president, Barack Obama. Everyone has been voting for the person(s) that they think will give them this thing or the other thing, whether it be a marriage license, a special protection as a minority, money for programs, etc. If this is how people are going to vote then we will be left with what we got, republicans and democrats spending money like crazy to get votes of different constituents. But most Americans have no idea the amount of wasteful spending and I think they didn't care (like Schumer said) until now. Now we are mad as hell, except for those of us who blindly follow the mesiah and think his sins are erased because our former president made mistakes too.

I was griping about the stimulus and bailouts the other day and this stupid liberal starts throwing up "George Bush, George Bush" like someone with rabies or a mental disorder who can't stop foaming at the mouth and saying the same thing repeatedly. I am so sick of hearing about George Bush. I think the public made it very clear how they felt about the bailout of the banks, but he went ahead anyway. So, he made a mistake, I wasn't surprised, I knew he was more liberal than conservative anyway. But it was a mistake, it is not a defense of Obama in anyway to throw up the name George Bush everytime Obama takes another step toward socialism. Let's focus liberals. Tell me why Obama's bailouts are good and why they should work this time. Couldn't he learn from George Bush that it didn't work. I guess he is a slow learner or he has another agenda all together.

I think he has another agenda. He is waging war on prosperity and he has many marxists revolutionaries in his cabinet and in congress to help him achieve his goal. The sad thing is some of the people who support him are completely clueless about his plans to destroy capitalism in the West and go to global governance.

I know those who support Obama like to think they are open-minded and compassionate, but I would tell them to take the blinders off. These policies are bad for Americans, they are not compassionate, they are born out of envy and can only exist where there is class-envy and hate. His policies on environmental issues do not consider the poor here in America or in other countries and he is not for self-reliance, he wants you to rely on the government and you won't have the choices you have now.

If you think you don't make enough money to be taxed severely under this regime, just wait. At the rate he is spending money they will be coming for all of you guys who make anything over poverty level. They will have to or they will not be able to support their programs. They are already hinting at population control by means of abortion and birth control and they have hinted that the elderly need to go ahead and die. This is all very familiar to Hitler's Germany.

Shame on all of you ignorant, undereducated Americans who casts your votes for Obama. You should be ashamed that you 1) don't know anything about this country except the lies you were taught in public school 2) that you think the government should solve your problems and take other people's money to do it 3) that you think you are enlightened because you vote like a movie star 4) that you endorse theft of hard working people to pay for people who refuse work.

Do people have hard times? Yes. I have had them and I had to rely on myself to get out of those hard times. When I made only 25K a year it was hard to make ends meet and I still had to pay taxes. I've worked my butt off to get where I am. I have bills like anyone else and I'm not asking Obama to pay them or for people to bail me out when I have doctor bills, etc. I make do, I set up payment arrangements, and I cut back. It is right to help someone, it's called charity. It is not right to require my money to be taken from me and redistributed to Barack Obama's base.

To find out where your money is being spent: Find out where the pork is!

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